About Us

We Here at The Digitize Center Care about Preserving The Precious Moments of the Past

That's our #1 goal here at The Digitize Center. We know how important it is to pass on and share the memories of the past, so that they will live on in the future. Whether its a first birthday party or a simple memory you would like to relive again, we can make that goal happen by digitizing your old videotapes, photographs, and more.

In today's digital world, media from the past sits in attics, closets, and basements and collects dust, until they start to degrade. We don't want that to happen. That's why we set out to create a state-of-the-art facility with well trained staff who specialize in handling and digitizing media.

Whether its your old video tapes, camcorder tapes, or an old photo album you want to preserve, we can digitize it. To see a full list of what we can digitize, visit the What We Digitize Page.

We want you to know you can trust us with your precious media. We process every piece of media we receive very carefully, because we know how important those memories are. Once your media items are digitized, you will always have access to them anywhere you go, however you want it, and forever. Whether that be on your smartphone, tablet, computer, or in your DVD player, these precious memories will last.